Queen Camp, Incorporated is a mentoring organization that fosters leadership, self-awareness, academic excellence, and interpersonal development for girls.

Our Mission
We aim to promote positive self-image, wellness, and collective excellence for Black girls in St. Louis and beyond.

Our Vision
Our vision is to see communities thrive through the leadership of empowered women and girls.

We Believe
Every girl is born with a crown…

These crowns represent our true identities and purpose. As children, we love our crowns! We embrace them as we freely explore and allow our expansive imaginations to shape our futures.

Over time, the enticements of the world begin to glitter and glisten so brightly that our crowns become less appealing. Societal treasures like approval and validation shine a bit brighter than the jewels of our destiny. We take off our crowns and replace them with society’s version of beauty and success, leaving us unfulfilled.

At Queen Camp, Inc., we help girls reclaim their crowns and let them shine for the world to see!

Get Involved with Queen Camp, Inc.

At Queen Camp, Inc., we want to partner with the change-makers prepared to light the torch for the next generation of young leaders. Queen Camp is currently seeking volunteers, sponsors, and program collaborators — if you are energized to make a difference for Black girls throughout our region, contact us today!

Queen Camp, Inc.’s Founder

Amanda S. Andrews, MBA